When an individual does an online web search for another party, they are often required to set up an account, pay a fee, and risk personal information being sold to 3rd parties. Consequently, the data paid for may not be current, complete, or accurate.
When working with a private investigator, however, you are assured both anonymity during a search and the delivery of up-to-date information needed to build a case or locate a person.
As licensed investigators locate information using every available resource, they have the knowledge, tools and, ability to help you resolve your questions regarding any individual. This article will help you understand the process of, the intent for using, and the value of acquiring a private investigator for subject location.
You begin by locating and meeting with an investigator. During this query period, you will be asked why you are attempting to locate or contact the individual. Many people have legitimate reasons for wanting to locate a person and it’s usually involving these common purposes:
Litigation intentions;Reuniting with friends from old school days; and,Locating family members lost through adoption or divorce.
However, there are others who may have malicious intent. Any dishonesty regarding the reason you state for attempting to find an individual will jeopardize the investigation and the contract with your professional investigator. Repercussions may include forfeiting your retainer and contract termination.
During the first meeting, you will be asked to provide as much information about the individual as possible. This may include names, birth dates, any known educational, or employment history.
A physical description or photographs are helpful.
Investigators may initiate a subject location inquiry with internet search engines and social media. This includes search engines such as AOL, Bing, or Google.
There are hundreds of specialized social networking websites, some of which may be involved in a search. Examples are social profiles like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Depending on the result of the preliminary searches through search engines and social media, additional inquiries involving the name of a friend or relative of the subject may occur.
An investigator may conduct a background check which consists of criminal records, licenses, addresses, and, sex offender registry. It is possible to search state records for birth, divorce, death certificates, and marriage licenses.
State records also include bankruptcy, corporate or worker’s compensation records. Federal records contain pilot’s licenses, military records, Internal Revenue Service filings, and Interstate Commerce Commission records. There are aggregate public record sites that provide a variety of information to be examined.
In the quest to find a subject, a popular quote is true: If you never ask the question, you will never know the answer. However, the individual may not want to be contacted or they may be in a relationship. In these situations, it is important to respect the other person’s boundaries and privacy. Though, if circumstances differ, the value of using a private investigator is worth your time, effort, and focus, because they find the information you need, when you need it.
At Triple “R” Investigations, we are experienced law enforcement professionals skilled in searches and fact-finding. Due to our professional integrity, unless you have a legal reason for finding the subject, your investigator will notify the individual of the search, and we will only relinquish a subject’s contact information with consent.
Triple “R” Investigations can quickly produce accurate results using targeted searches. We can save you time and effort in finding someone no matter how long the separation has been or how far away they are.